Time is a choice, be choosy

It's a phrase we often catch ourselves saying: "I don't have time.” This refrain is all too familiar in our daily lives. But what if we changed our narrative around time and how we consider it? Instead of saying "I don't have time," what if we said, "It's not a priority." After all, as Laura Vanderkam states, "Time is a choice, and we can be choosy with how we use it."

Recognizing Our Priorities

When we express that we lack time, we're often indicating that something isn’t a priority. This isn't a matter of having too little time but rather of prioritizing other things we consider more crucial. By recognizing this, we see more clearly what matters most to us.

Consider the example of home emergencies. If a leak suddenly springs in your ceiling, you wouldn't hesitate to find the time to address it because the urgency and potential damage make it a high priority. Take, for instance, maintaining a movement routine. Saying you don't have time for exercise might truly mean that movement isn't a current high priority. This realization allows us to consciously choose what priorities take precedence, whether they be career goals, educational pursuits, raising a young family, or personal hobbies or projects.

Taking Ownership of Our Choices

Choosing to say "It's not a priority" rather than "I don't have time" not only compels us to take ownership of our decisions but also deeply ingrains the understanding that we are in control of how we manage our time. This simple yet profound shift in phrasing underlines our autonomy and holds us accountable for the outcomes of our choices. It acts as a reminder that every minute spent is a minute chosen, consciously or unconsciously, to advance certain aspects of our lives over others.

This change in mindset is transformative. It shifts us from perceiving ourselves as victims of an overwhelming schedule, helpless and reactive, to becoming the architects of our own lives. Suddenly, the narrative changes. We are no longer simply enduring our days; we are actively designing them. This perspective allows us to evaluate how we spend each segment of our time, whether it's indulging in leisure activities or engaging in other productive endeavors.

With this newfound ownership, we can decide to allocate our time to activities that resonate more closely with our personal values and long-term goals. For instance, instead of passively consuming content, we might choose to invest time in personal development through online courses, pick up a new hobby that enhances our skills, or simply spend more quality time with family. This could mean setting aside evenings to help our children with their homework or planning weekend outings that strengthen family bonds.

Embracing our role as decision-makers in how we use our time enables us to prioritize aspects of our lives that bring the most value. This isn't just about balancing work and leisure; it's about making strategic choices that align with our personal growth, family commitments, and professional endeavors. Each decision to prioritize one activity over another is a step towards a more intentional lifestyle, where every action is a building block to a fulfilling life.

Aligning Actions With Values

Viewing time as a choice encourages us to align our daily activities with our deeper values. If cherishing moments with family is fundamental, you'll find time for those reunions. If advancing in your career is essential, you'll allocate more time for that. By consciously  linking our daily choices to our values, we foster a life of purpose and satisfaction. This approach helps us escape the snare of aimless busyness and concentrate on what genuinely enriches us.

Finding balance

Acknowledging that we choose how to spend our time also helps us realize balance. It allows us to evaluate whether we're devoting too muchtime to certain areas at the expense of others and to make necessary adjustments for a more balanced, rewarding life.

Time stitches our experiences and choices together. The way we allocate our hours speaks volumes about our priorities and values. By shifting our perspective from "I don't have time" to "It's not a priority," we gain clearer insights, take control of our decisions, and align our actions with what truly matters to us. Time, indeed, is a precious resource, and choosing how we use it can profoundly shape our daily life. Annie Dillard poignantly said: "How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives." Let's choose wisely and intentionally, for every moment is a chance to define our lives anew!


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