Personal Branding with Elevated: Get Noticed!

Watch our full interview on YouTube!

In this blog, we welcome Allison Hamscher and Amanda Traugutt - the visionary leaders behind Elevated Resumes! Join us as we dive into the intricacies of resume design and the impact of storytelling in the professional landscape. If NASA and FBI Agents need their expertise, so do you!  

The job market has been ever-changing, emphasizing the importance of an impactful resume, cover letter, or LinkedIn profile. Pennyworth and Elevated Resumes have joined forces to bring you professional insights that can pave the way to your dream job interview.

Allison and Amanda’s expert advice surrounding key strategies and common pitfalls will help guide and transform your resume, deepen your understanding of market trends, and increase your chances of landing your next opportunity!

Lisa: Introduce yourselves and the story of Elevated.
I'm Allison Hamscher, the founder of Elevated Resumes, established a decade ago. Initially centered on resume support, our services have evolved, encompassing a spectrum of personal branding solutions. These include, but are not limited to, resume support, executive bios, LinkedIn profile optimization, and leadership coaching. Shortly after starting Elevated, Amanda joined, contributing significantly to our growth and development. Today, she stands as the proud co-owner of Elevated Resumes. Together, our team integrates strategy, coaching, and consulting to customize content and design, authentically and persuasively narrating each client's story.

Julia: In a digital age where personal branding is crucial, can you share some key strategies for creating a standout LinkedIn profile that captures both skills and personality?
Video! Embracing an on-camera presence can have a significant impact on your brand. It signifies your ability to captivate attention and articulate content clearly. Moreover, active participation on LinkedIn—whether through commenting, posting, or other means—indicates your involvement and underscores your passion for the specific industry you're part of.

Lisa: What are the most common mistakes you've observed in resumes, and how do you help clients overcome them to make their applications more effective?
When assisting clients with their resumes, I often encounter common mistakes that can hinder the effectiveness of their applications. One prevalent issue is overcrowding, where individuals attempt to squeeze too much information onto a single page. I emphasize the importance of clarity and readability to clients, highlighting that recruiters often prefer a well-organized, two-page resume with ample white space over a crowded one-page document that is challenging to navigate.

Another common mistake is the failure to convey impact. Instead of presenting their professional experiences as mere job descriptions, clients are encouraged to focus on showcasing the value and impact of their work. By quantifying achievements and emphasizing outcomes, applicants can capture the attention of recruiters and stand out in a competitive job market.

Additionally, many individuals neglect to explain the "how" behind their success. I guide clients in articulating the specific strategies and actions they tookto achieve results.

Demonstrating an understanding of the processes and methodologies used not only adds depth to the resume but also signals to employers that the applicant possesses the knowledge and skills necessary to replicate successful outcomes.

Lisa: How do you tailor your services to meet the specific needs of clients from diverse industries and career stages?
We always recommend an initiating intake call with each client before delving into their rebranding process. Direct engagement enables us to establish a personal connection, delving into a deeper understanding of them. Our aim is to uncover their innate skills, delve into their core values, and truly grasp what motivates and inspires them. 

Julia: In a constantly evolving job market, what trends do you see emerging in the realm of personal branding and career development that professionals should be aware of?
We've seen a growing trend among professionals incorporating their side hustles into their career tools. Currently, we're assisting a former executive client in developing a website for her consulting side hustle, dedicated to aiding others in entering her specific industry. Individuals possess a wealth of valuable skills, and it's crucial to narrate their comprehensive story. This could include but is not limited to side hustles, passion projects, and personal achievements (like athletic accomplishments, etc.). 

Lisa: What role does storytelling play in resume and LinkedIn profile development? How do you help clients craft compelling narratives?
Amanda: Storytelling plays a crucial role in both resume and LinkedIn profile development. During our intake calls with clients, we prioritize understanding the story they want to convey, as this narrative becomes the foundation for creating impactful content.

While the resume itself isn't a traditional story, it functions as a snapshot of each role that helps to reinforce the overarching story that you want to tell. We identify 3-4 core, innate skill sets that clients have consistently utilized throughout their careers. These skill sets, such as relationship building, creating a common vision, and influencing people, form the basis of the resume's summary section. This section acts as the introduction to the narrative, setting the stage for what the reader is about to explore and highlighting key takeaways.

Moving beyond the summary, the experience section of the resume becomes a platform to showcase how these core skills have been put into action and the tangible impact achieved.

While there's room to include other job-related skills, the emphasis remains on demonstrating how the individual personally achieves success in each role. This personalized approach is essential for setting clients apart from others in a competitive job market.

With this approach, the content avoids resembling a generic job description. Instead, it aims to provide a distinct understanding of the "how" behind the work, making it unique to the individual. This differentiation ensures that the reader gains insights into the client's approach, fostering a sense of connection. Without this personalized narrative, the risk is that the resume would be indistinguishable from others, lacking the depth that allows the reader to appreciate the individual's unique approach to their work. 

Julia: Beyond resumes and LinkedIn, what additional services or resources does Elevated Resumes offer to help clients navigate and succeed in today's competitive job market?
Alisson: We've evolved alongside our clients, adapting our services to meet their changing needs. Recently, we've noted a surge in demand for 'One-sheeters,' concise visual documents encapsulating a client's background on a single page. It’s almost like a personal flyer - used to capture someone's attention quickly and encourage them to connect with you to learn more. 

In addition to our packages, we offer additional a la carte services that include career coaching, interview preparation, and support in guiding clients through offer negotiations.

Julia: In the world of resumes, what's the most common myth or misconception that your agency often has to debunk for clients?Allison: An outdated misconception suggests that resumes should conform to a standard template. If your aim is to distinguish yourself from the competition, why settle for a resume that mirrors everyone else's? We take pride in knowing that our custom-designed approach has empowered thousands of clients to stand out and gain attention with confidence.

Lisa: What's the most unique or creative resume format or element you've ever incorporated into a client's application? 
We worked with a NASA astronaut and he shared photos that he personally took from space and we incorporated them into his design. I’m not sure I’ll be able to top that :)

Lisa: If you could offer one piece of unconventional career advice, what would it be?
I like to remind clients that up isn’t always better and a straight path isn’t always easier. It certainly can be, but often see people coming to coaching with a certain set of assumptions that haven’t served them in creating a career and life that works for them.

Rather than adhering to the conventional idea that "up is always better" or assuming a straight path is inherently easier, I encourage individuals to reverse the typical career paradigm. Start by envisioning the life you want to lead—how it looks and feels—and then tailor your career to align with that vision.

Many of us enter careers in our early 20s, often before truly understanding what we want our lives to look like. If you find yourself in a career that doesn't align with the life you desire, rather than seeking immediate change, focus on identifying the small, intentional adjustments that, when cumulatively implemented, move you toward a career that harmonizes with your desired lifestyle. 

Although it can seem better to quickly jump to a new opportunity, we find that it is often more beneficial to pause, slow down, and meticulously define what it is you want out of your career before making any moves. Having patience can be hard at first, but it often accelerates the process of creating the outcomes you really want. 

Presenting yourself on your resume, whether in its traditional format or online, requires thought! The never-ending job market sea is crowded with standard templates and social accounts with the most diverse backgrounds. Dedicate time to envision the life you desire and thoughtfully map out the path to achieve it. Highlight your passions and present the aspects of your personality that extend beyond your 9-5 career. 

There is no doubt Allison and Amanda have created an impactful business in Elevated. We hope their sharing both common myths and success stories gives you a better understanding of how you can enhance your own personal branding. This conversation was packed with valuable insights in an effort to help you navigate the ever-evolving job market and how you present yourself. We hope you found it beneficial and motivating!

Stay tuned for more exciting content, and don’t forget to explore the full interview on YouTube!


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