What Do We Do With More Time?

The traditional 9-to-5 office job has long been the standard, but times have changed! As technology and work culture evolved over the course of a pandemic, remote and hybrid work arrangements have gained immense popularity. Leaders are urging workers back in, while many of us are desperately hanging on to the flexibility.  

The paradigm shift of hybrid and remote work offers many benefits, including the ability for individuals to gain back time, boost productivity, and find a harmonious work-life balance (including for working parents in an endless balancing act!). Our goal in this blog post is to explore the reasons why people are gravitating towards remote and hybrid work setups, and how they are using their newfound freedom by eliminating daily commutes to their advantage.

  1. Flexibility and Autonomy: One of the primary reasons our candidates said they seek remote or hybrid work arrangements is… (drum roll!)... freedom. Remote work allows people to escape the confines of the traditional office space and tailor their schedules to suit their needs. This flexibility enables employees to work during their most productive hours, take breaks when necessary, and fulfill simple personal responsibilities without sacrificing their professional commitments.

  2. Improved Work-Life Balance: It can be arduous and time-consuming to commute to and from work. The benefits of remote or hybrid work include avoiding crowds, rush hour traffic, and lengthy commutes. As a result, they can devote more time to activities that enrich their personal lives, such as spending quality time with loved ones, engaging in hobbies, exercising, or taking care of themselves.

  3. Increased Productivity and Focus: Office environments can often be filled with distractions, from impromptu meetings to constant interruptions. Remote or hybrid work setups provide individuals with the opportunity to curate their ideal work environment, whether that's a dedicated home office or a shared workspace. By minimizing distractions and working in a comfortable and personalized setting, employees can maximize their productivity and concentration, accomplishing tasks more efficiently.

What Our People Say Do with Their Extra Time:

  1. Pursuing Personal Passions: With reduced commuting time, individuals are now able to explore their passions and hobbies more deeply. Whether it's yoga, hiking, painting, playing a musical instrument, writing, gardening, or cooking, having extra time can unlock a creative outlet that was previously neglected due to the demands of a daily commute. Lots of you say simply spending time with young children before or after work that was otherwise lost to a commute is a huge factor! This self-expression not only provides joy and fulfillment but can also enhance personal growth and well-being.

  2. Investing in Health and Well-being: The absence of daily commuting allows people to prioritize their physical and mental well-being. Regular exercise, meditation, and self-care routines can be seamlessly integrated into their daily schedules. Whether it's hitting the gym, practicing yoga, taking long walks, or simply having time for a nourishing breakfast, individuals can now prioritize their health and develop habits that promote long-term wellness.

  3. Strengthening Personal Relationships: Spending quality time with family and friends is a cornerstone of a fulfilling life. Remote or hybrid work arrangements enable individuals to connect with their loved ones on a deeper level. They can share meals, engage in conversations, and participate in activities that foster stronger relationships and create lasting memories. Building and nurturing these connections contribute significantly to emotional well-being and overall happiness. Many have said to us that they wouldn’t foreit what they have gained in strengthened relationships for title promotions or pay increases, which says a lot! 

  4. Lifelong Learning and Personal Growth: Extra time not spent on commuting can be dedicated to personal development and continuous learning. Individuals can enroll in online courses, attend webinars, read books, listen to podcasts, or explore new areas of interest. Expanding knowledge and acquiring new skills not only broadens horizons but also enhances career prospects and personal growth.

Our approach to work has been transformed by remote and hybrid work. Though, there are also plenty of good things to say about coming together in an office space as well - we explore some of those topics here for further reading. 


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