You Know You Are a Great Executive Assistant if..

Being an Executive Assistant is more than a job - we see it as an art form. If you've ever found yourself organizing a meeting like it's a broadway show or taking joy in the perfect alignment of a spreadsheet, we share in such delight. This post is for all the remarkable assistants out there who do everything with style, grace, and a touch of humor. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just getting started, you'll probably recognize yourself in some of these fun, cheeky signs that you're nailing it in the world of executive support.

  1. View Calendaring as an art: You find immense peace in color-coding calendars and consider scheduling meetings an art.

  2. Plan Months and Years in Advance: You’ve already thought about next year's holiday party - and the one after that.

  3. Love Taking Care of People (and maybe also pets): Whether it’s booking an appointment or making an unexpected stop to let the dog out, you’re everyone’s go-to caretaker.

  4. Find Planning the Smallest Details of a Trip, Thrilling: You can spend hours fine-tuning an itinerary down to the best pit stop for pastries and coffee.

  5. Make Really Long Packing Lists for Your Own Trips: Your packing lists are so detailed, they could be published as novels.

  6. Can Turn a Last-Minute Crisis into a Seamless Success: A client’s flight was canceled? No problem, you’ve already booked an alternative before they’ve even boarded.

  7. Can Make a To-Do List for Your To-Do List: You’re so organized, even your lists have lists.

  8. Know Everyone’s Coffee Order by Heart: You can recite a Starbucks order for the team faster than a barista.

  9. Coordinate Birthdays Like You’re Planning a Royal Wedding: No one’s birthday goes unnoticed under your watch - the card, the cake, the works!

  10. Enjoy Sending Thank You Notes More Than Receiving Them: Handwritten notes? Yes, please! And you have the perfect stationery for every occasion.

  11. Have a Folder (or Five) for Every Project: Your filing system is so precise, Marie Kondo would be proud.

  12. Know All the Good Restaurants - And Their Best Tables: You can secure a reservation at a fully-booked restaurant without an issue.

  13. Have Back-Up Plans for Your Back-Up Plans: You’ve always got Plan B, C, and D ready to go.

  14. Can Fit a 30-Minute Meeting into a 15-Minute Slot: Time management is your superpower, and you bend it to your will.

  15. Enjoy Creating Systems More Than Using Them: You love the process of building workflows that work like magic. Using them is just a bonus.

  16. Can Juggle Multiple Calendars Without Dropping a Single Ball: You’re a maestro of multitasking, effortlessly syncing schedules like a symphony conductor.

  17. Know When to Push and When to Let Things Slide: Your emotional intelligence is so sharp, you could write a book on it.

  18. Can Send the Perfect Follow-Up Email: Your follow-up emails are so on point, they’re basically mic drops.

  19. Plan Meetings Like You’re Producing a Movie: Agendas, scripts, and casting (attendee lists) - are all in a day’s work.

  20. Manage to Stay Zen During the Monday Morning Chaos: Monday mayhem? Not on your watch. You’re the calm in the storm.

  21. Have a Rolodex of Contacts That Would Make LinkedIn Jealous: Your network is so vast, you could be a professional connector.

  22. Can Proofread a Document Faster Than Spellcheck: Your eagle eyes catch typos and grammatical errors before they even happen.

  23. Find Color-Coding Spreadsheets a Form of Relaxation: Your spreadsheets are more colorful than a box of crayons - and just as satisfying.

  24. Can Spot a Bottleneck Before It Becomes a Traffic Jam: You anticipate problems and solve them before anyone else even notices.

  25. Take Pride in Your Penmanship: Your handwriting is so elegant, people ask if you’ve taken calligraphy lessons.

  26. Know How to End a Call with Grace (and Speed): You’ve mastered the art of the polite and efficient phone exit.

  27. Can Make the Most Boring Task Feel Like an Adventure: Filing invoices? You turn it into a game, and somehow it’s fun.

  28. Are the Office Tech Guru: Need a quick fix for that printer jam? You’re the go-to person for all things tech.

  29. Keep Everyone’s Spirits High - Even During Crunch Time: Your positivity is contagious, and your team knows they can count on you for a morale boost.

  30. Love the Smell of Freshly Printed Agendas in the Morning: There’s nothing like the crisp scent of a freshly printed meeting agenda to start your day.

  31. Know the Perfect Gift for Every Occasion: Whether it’s a last-minute birthday present or a corporate thank you, you’ve got the gift game on lock.

  32. Can Keep a Secret Better Than a Vault: Confidentiality is your middle name, and everyone knows their secrets are safe with you.

  33. Find Joy in Writing the Perfect Email Subject Line: Crafting subject lines that get opened? You could teach a masterclass.

  34. Have a Phone Charger for Every Device - and a Spare: No one runs out of battery on your watch, ever.

  35. Know the Best Time to Catch Your Boss for a Quick Chat: You have an uncanny knack for catching people at just the right moment.

  36. Have an Uncanny Ability to Stay Calm Under Pressure: Crisis? What crisis? You’re the picture of composure when things go sideways.

  37. Can Find the Silver Lining in Any Situation: Even when things don’t go as planned, you’re always able to find the bright side.

  38. Are Always Prepared with the Right Information: You anticipate needs before they’re even voiced and have answers ready on the spot.

  39. Can Remember Tiny Details That Others Forget: You’re like an elephant - you never forget a birthday, an anniversary, or even a favorite snack.

  40. Get Genuine Joy from Helping Others Succeed: Seeing others shine because of your behind-the-scenes magic is the ultimate reward for you.

    This post is all about having some fun and celebrating the quirks that make assistants truly exceptional. It’s a lighthearted take on the characteristics and innate skills that often go unnoticed. But remember, while it’s great to take care of everyone else, it’s equally important to take care of yourself. We hope you enjoyed this post as we took note of some of the nuances and idiosyncratic quirks that make assistants the superpower that they are! 


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