Get to Know Pennyworth: Cofounders Julia Hudson & Lisa Casson

"The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing." 

This quote from Steven Covey in The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is exactly what drives the cofounders of Pennyworth Projects, LLC Julia Hudson and Lisa Casson, every day. There’s no doubt they recognize the importance of the ‘main thing’'. 

"Working with executives, entrepreneurs, investors, and busy households - we know that time is the most valuable asset, and our goal is to optimize it for our clients," says Julia. "We work with our clients to find the right people to support them in their professional aspirations and help them thrive personally. With our expertise, we develop solutions that allow them to focus on the main thing in their life, whatever that may be”.

Pennyworth Projects emerged from a passion for supporting leaders and a fundamental understanding of the importance of professionalism and efficiency. Ranging from tech startup founders to public company CEOs and beyond, Julia and Lisa understand the needs of busy executives and their families. Their unique and curated approach has seen many individuals and businesses find the right candidate to support their personal or corporate successes – and in most cases, both simultaneously.

"We are so passionate about both the client side as well as the support and service role," says Lisa. "Julia and I deeply understand and appreciate how important the alignment between Principal and Assistant is; that relationship is key to all successful partnerships."

This passion and understanding of solution-focused operational and administrative support work have been a foundational part of both Julia's and Lisa's careers.  

The Past

Julia and Lisa first met a decade ago as they supported the CEOs of BrightRoll and Yahoo, respectively. When Yahoo acquired BrightRoll, they soon began partnering to support the CEO of Yahoo, Marissa Mayer. A software engineer and businesswoman, Mayer was one of the first employees of Google and greatly influenced the development of the world's leading search engine company in its early years. She remains one of Silicon Valley's most significant and prominent figures.

"It would be difficult for me to ever summarize what I learned during those years - from small hacks and nuanced understandings to life lessons and transformative experiences," Julia shares. "I am forever grateful to her and to that opportunity both during and beyond the Yahoo years."

For Lisa, the years they spent together supporting a high-powered executive and being a liaison to the Board of Directors provided the necessary experience to appreciate the needs of extremely successful and diverse leaders. "I came to understand both sides of the business intimately well.”

While their personal and professional connection was initially established working at Yahoo, both Julia and Lisa had robust early careers that were crucial in developing their current approach to executive support.

Julia began her professional career at Rockpoint Group, a Boston-based real estate private equity firm, before transitioning to a position at Highgate Hotels in San Francisco. During her time with Highgate, she was offered the opportunity to work on the asset side of real estate at their Parc 55 property, one of the largest hotels in the city. 

She soon found her groove in the General Manager's office. "It required me to make good decisions quickly, to always be solutions focused, and to think critically in the moment while focusing on both long-term goals and overall alignment with ownership," says Julia. "It was a master class in managing priorities, personalities, and precedence in a very fast-paced and real-time environment."

 From Highgate, Julia transitioned to BrightRoll, a tech-focused programmatic video advertising platform. At BrightRoll, Julia worked directly with Tod Sacerdoti, the CEO, as well as the senior leadership. Throughout the transition of BrightRoll being acquired by Yahoo, Julia remained supporting its leadership until beginning her time working in Marissa Mayer’s office.

Lisa's path to the office of the CEO at Yahoo was shaped by years managing sponsorship clients for an NBA team as well as her time on the Marketing Events team at Yahoo. "It was during my early career years I recognized that the partnership between the service side and the executive side is critical.” Lisa shares. 

 Her experience working as an executive assistant and personal assistant has shaped much of the vision of Pennyworth, which was founded on the belief that the dynamic between the principal and their assistant is the most vital aspect of any partnership. “The best matches are founded on the understanding that both people want the partnership to thrive," explains Lisa.

The Present

Starting Pennyworth, a boutique firm that matches high-level executives, prominent figures, and busy households with expert support, was an organic evolution for Julia and Lisa.

 "We know what it takes more than anyone," they stress. "We appreciate and recognize how the skills, experience, personalities, communication styles, and natural strengths that certain people have are great assets to particular executives. We have personal experience of the nuances and dynamics of each partnership." 

 While Pennyworth is still young in its formal existence, its foundational philosophy goes back decades. The approach to each search begins with the knowledge that no two profiles or needs are alike. Each search begins with a deep dive into the needs of the principal to understand as much as possible about their responsibilities, expectations, and the character profile they value and hope to find.

From there, Julia and Lisa cultivate a close relationship with each candidate, allowing them to understand each person's unique assets and experience. The Pennyworth team only focuses on a few searches at a time, allowing them to take extra care with each. 

"We are intentionally small and focused," says Lisa. "We want to be thoughtful and engaged at every turn. Getting it right is really important to us, both for the clients we work with and our superstar candidates."

The Future

With such a strong foundation born from years of shared experience in executive support and pinpoint-accurate placement services, Lisa and Julia are poised to guide Pennyworth into a bright future.

When someone comes to Pennyworth looking for support, they can expect not only personalized attention but also an extraordinary outcome, as the team provides the best candidates for each specific role. Julia and Lisa are adept at identifying candidates who will not only succeed in their day-to-day role but will use their knowledge of their principal's intangible needs to contribute tremendously to their success.

"Julia and I both really enjoy the work as a boutique search firm," shares Lisa. "We thrive working so personally with clients while continuing to meet exceptional candidates. I'm hopeful in the years to come, we can continue to serve our clients at the highest level with remarkable matches. The work we do is so rewarding!"

If you want to explore a partnership with Pennyworth - whether you’re seeking support or a candidate yourself, reach out today. They’d love to meet you!


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